The Fishstick - Rollin’ Thunder

Teams:The FishstickRollin’ Thunder
Races:Chaos PactOgre

Division: Year 2519
Tournament:Season 19 - Darklands Division
Round: Round 5
Date played:Sun Dec 22 2019 14:33:56
Match report:Download PDF report

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Game information
Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
The Fishstick k 10-1 points k
Rollin’ Thunder k 10-1 points k
The Fishstick report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 The Door Hag Lors Marauder
2 Great Hoshdrool Marauder
4 Legators Rhodoh Marauder
5 Roshard Theolog Marauder
10 Galoshe Doh Torr Skaven Renegade
11 Shoogle Rathord Orc Renegade
12 Garshol the Door Goblin Renegade
13 Hoghood Retrals Dark Elf Renegade
14 Rashgore Doloth Chaos Ogre
15 Lord Rage Shooth Chaos Troll
16 Theodor Gorlash Minotaur

Star Players:
Rollin’ Thunder report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Dozor Ogre
2 Darig Ogre
3 Dierek Ogre
4 Grouzir Ogre
5 Guroz Ogre
6 ruz Snotling
7 vriz Snotling
8 klic Snotling
9 feac Snotling
10 zylx Snotling
11 Kelio Snotling

Star Players:
Game summary