Athel LorenBucks - A**holes of Khorne

Teams:Athel LorenBucksA**holes of Khorne
Races:Wood ElfDaemons of Khorne

Division: Year 2519
Tournament:Season 16 Open League
Round: Round 1
Date played:Mon Apr 22 2019 20:01:20
Match report:Download PDF report

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Game information
Gate  k
Fans (RL spectators) 
Teams Score Δ Treasury Fan factor Sportsmanship points Total team CAS FAME TVs
Athel LorenBucks k 10-1 points k
A**holes of Khorne k 10-1 points k
Athel LorenBucks report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Gladir Lichenthron (Whirling Death) War dancer
2 Rialion Dornbranch (The Coiling Shadow) War dancer
3 (Glade Rider) Celras Applewood Catcher
4 Riaborn Ivorybranch Catcher
5 Anraen Fernblossom Catcher
7 (Waywatcher) Nility Pinewig Thrower
8 Phydhel Acornrun Lineman
9 Dirdal Springwood Lineman
10 Hunlim Softlock Lineman
12 Gazachor Duskwind Lineman
14 (Sentinel) Hendy Fernbranch Lineman
16 Madwalnut Treeman

Star Players:
A**holes of Khorne report
# Name Position Mvp Cp Td Int Bh Si Ki IR 1 D1 IR 1 D2 IR 2 D1 IR 2 D2 IR 3 D1 IR 3 D2 Inj Ageing 1 Ageing 2
1 Dark Helmet Bloodthirster
3 Major Asshole Khorne Herald
4 We Ain't Found Shit Bloodletter Daemon
5 Disgruntled Soldier #2 Bloodletter Daemon
8 Pvt 1st Class Asshole Pit Fighter
9 Mr. Radar Operator Pit Fighter
10 Mr. Coffee Operator Pit Fighter
11 Mr. Rental Operator Pit Fighter
12 Random Bridge Operator Pit Fighter
13 Doomed Operator Pit Fighter
14 Asshole Crew #1 Pit Fighter

Star Players:
Game summary